This is chemotherapy.
- Sensations like needles being stuck in my toes.
- And feet changing into blocks of wood, then back again.
- Hip and knee joints sore and tight.
- Numb face.
More often the last few days:
- Harrowing production of rock-like poo, with bright blood.
- I am so low energy that I can actually sleep during the day, which is delightful. I'm mostly still managing to do 8-10k steps per day. (Today, 4k.)
- Spacey, losing stuff like my prized peacock feather parasol (umbrella), and my sunhat.
Feldenkrais this morning was good. All the pains and soreness were there, but there was also gentleness and by the end, some moments of happiness.
- Watched a beautiful short animation called Bamiyan (part of a collection called Nine Nation Animation.)
- Listened to Terry Gross interview Tig Notaro, who recently did a standup routine in LA after hearing that she had cancer in both breasts.
- New book (funny) from the library: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling. (Here's Terry Gross interviewing her, but I think she is funnier in writing.)
I like how Kaling told Terry she was being obnoxious for complaining about clothes being too big. She also said she imagined Terry being very chic -- clearly she didn't see the photo in the nyt magazine of Terry wearing horrifying comfort sandals (like I didn't know they still made them that ugly). With socks.