Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Swimming in a pharmaceutical soup

Botanical gardens
I gave myself my first shot today, which, currently, is yesterday. It wasn't hard to do, nor was it painful, but afterwards I felt like a bona fide*, dazed cancer patient. Much improved after a hour's schlep up the hill with Padmatara. Total today: 11,400 steps. Now I get to lie in bed!

Two days after I fixed up my bed so I stop being too hot, was freezing cold almost no matter how many piles and layers of blankets. I bought a heating pad today to wrap around my numb feet.

Here are some more details about medications I'm swimming in, if you're interested...

Friday Chemo Day 
1 Zyrtec, 2 Zofran (actually I think she gave me dex, I was super manic.)
Interveniously: pepsid, dexamethazone (dex), taxol (Paclitaxel), Carboplatin
Evening: Zofran, 2 senna, marijuana, 1 Trazodone

Saturday Day 2 (of 3 week chemo cycle)
1 Dex, 1 Zofran
All day supplements, Chinese herbs, glutamine, probitics
1 Zofran, 3 senna, 1 Trazodone

Sunday Day 3
1 Dex, 1 Zofran
All day supplements, Chinese herbs, glutamine, probitics
1 Zofran
1 Benadryl, 2 Ativan

Monday Day 4
1 Zyrtec, 1 Dex, 1 Zofran, 1 Prozac
1 of 7 daily self-injections of Filgrastim (Neupogen), to build white blood cells
All day supplements, Chinese herbs, glutamine, probitics
1 Zofran, 1 valerian, 1/2 Trazadone, 2 Ativan (+ 1 c warm milk!)

* Spelled this bonified the first time, but it just didn't look right...


  1. Well, you've got your pharmo bona fides.

  2. I printed off some info for you about trazodone if you want it....XO
