Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Medical Info + Food on Mars

Figuring out the pills. 
Dr. Tavakoli called this morning and said it's all right not to do the shots and just see how the next blood tests look. Without the shots, there is a 20% chance of neutropenia, which I think means neutrophils are below a certain level. He said something about an 'Area User Curve' of 5, whatever that means...Anyway, it is a huge relief. Misha was pleased to hear it too. She said if the counts are low we can up the dose of Marrow Plus (an herb blend) I am taking. 

I also called the Oncology Nurses' station and asked Agnes a couple of questions: 
  1. Should I be concerned about toxoplasmosis?
    Not a huge issue but shouldn't scoop cat litter.
  2. Does Carbo/Taxol cause extreme sun sensitivity?
    Not especially, but all chemo causes it to some degree, so should always wear at least 30 SPF whenever I go outside, even for a few minutes. 
Flower on the street
I managed to get to Rainbow Grocery and among many other things buy two big Turkish figs. But then, it was as if I had gone to Mars and ate a fig. Not a real Martian fig perhaps, but one you might find if you were with Doctor Who. I hope that's sufficiently descriptive. Everything tastes only slightly like itself.

For lunch I made sprouted hummus (which actually takes very little effort) and cucumbers. Also had some skyr, Icelandic-style coconut-flavored yogurt in honor of my sister, brother-in-law and step-mom who are now in Iceland. It was good, and as close as I'm going to get to ice cream. Later I made miso soup with soba and a few beet greens. So I seem to be getting back into the mode of self care.   

I feel weird but it's hard to say exactly how. My hips seem to be aching more, which is either because I'm not moving around enough, or because the chemo is making my arthritis worse, or both. I did manage to take a little walk and yoga today. Seems like it's going to be all about the digestion, finding healthy food I can manage to eat, lots of liquids, and getting enough rest and movement... 


  1. Sounds like you are taking good care of yourself! Thank goodness about the shots, xox Lisa

    1. Suvanna-- I am happy to hear your doctors are flexible and open minded, I truly believe healing is a creative process.

      And you are an inspiration to me right now! I have to once again get into extreme self care mode myself and am trying to find the resolve to make the plunge. You would think my body messages this past week would be enough, but curiously there is still a little resistance. Beet greens , miso soup,yum, I'll make you dinner some day soon, but you have to give me the directions!

      go grrrll...xxxn

  2. I've been off-line for a few days (router died), so I haven't been checking in. I, too, am glad that you are taking good care of yourself. I'm also happy that you are at the SFBC, in the heart of the community.

    BTW, the flower is a passion flower. Here, in Hawaii, it's called lilikoi and the fruit from it is wonderful. Looks kinda like a smooth skinned lemon on the outside, but orange pulp on the inside. It has the most incredible flavor. I'll try to find some for your upcoming care package!
