Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pharmaceutically-enhanced living

Today I was grateful for modem medicine. I can't do much when I am coughing a lot, it's very hard on my body. I can barely pull myself up from my bed. 

After trying cough syrup, I took .2 mg sublingual morphine, and a few minutes later my cough stopped. The difference isn't even primarily coughing vs. not coughing. It's exhaustion/ tension/ restlessness/ slight panic vs. relaxing. It feels like my lungs are getting very small, too small for breathing almost, then that tightness melts away. 

Then my hips started aching. Took two ibuprofen and a little while later, I feel great. 

Come to think of it, I guess without the treatment I got, I'd be dead now. It's supposed to keep you alive longer, which it did, in my case anyway, with a high quality of life. 

Got the suggestion to try marijuana instead of morphine. It seems actually rather complicated figuring out the how and what of medicinal marijuana (i.e., the best use for me, if any.) 

Jules, Padmatara, and Laura are here. Mary Jo and a doctor came this morning. All kinds of equipment I could get that would be helpful. Though I am weak, I'll probably wait 'til I can't do without them. 

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