This is my head. As of yesterday. I owe it all to chemotherapy! Hair is slowly getting thicker and and darker. Might be wavier, too. I can't really tell 'cuz it's still so short.
Last time I got a haircut was 14 months ago (as shown in this post).
It's delightful having hair again, and I think it's better short.
On a different note, two friends have recommended the documentary, The Beautiful Truth. The written introduction to it makes me skeptical to say the least, but I shall try it.
Teaching the Stress Reduction class with Bill and Allison last night was good. I was really enjoying Bill's teaching. The class is 7-9:30 pm and I feel so tired during most of it I can barely function. (I don't think it's about how much sleep I get, because I get plenty and take naps when I need to. I think somehow it's the time. I can't think very well.) I have been thinking about looking into offering a class in the fall, but wonder if I have the energy for it.
My mom, who has Alzheimer's and lives in southern California, drove into a storefront window. Thankfully no one was hurt. Thankfully again, Laura's going to make sure she doesn't drive anymore. Whew. We're going down there for her 80th birthday in May.
I hope your day is as restorative for you as it will be for those who go! I wish I could be one of them, but I'm at a conference and then doing a performance in the early evening. I like your hair this way, too. It compliments and maybe the shortness highlights the beauty of your face. Please go get that cough seen-to again....I love you!